Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy! Happy! Yay! Yay!

Hello, all people from wherever you are! My name is Renee Lavoie! Anyways, I love cooking and I love cooking sushi. I can mostly cook sushi, though, because it's the only thing I don't hurt myself cooking with my lucky sushi knife. So I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Anyways, it's been a really busy time for me today since The Word Witch (Rachel LaRoche) showed up and wanted us to be appart of her challange. Us, The Du Bouillibasse Restauarnt (DBR) versus La Ratatouille Bistro. Eiiii! She was so scary! The way she held her pen! The red ink note! So scary! And mean! Do you know what happens if she reviews your restauarant? Instant bad review no matter what! She'll take all your stars away! She's so mean and scary! Way scarier than that Anton Ego guy! At least we have three weeks to complete the contest.

So what's this contest about? Well....The Word Witch came just as I was locking up that night and she told me that she wanted to review us and I said we were closed and she still wanted to anyways. So she said that we had three weeks to come up with a dish to satify her and if we don't, we fail badly. She also put us in direct competition with La Ratatouille. How? She's proposed the same to La Ratatouille as she did with the DBR. Like a contest.... loser gets their review in the paper. And that review will be a bad one! It's a given! It's a scary restauarnt-ending thing! EIIIIII! @_@

So I stayed up ALLLLLLL night to come up with this a recipee that will work. I decided to try the Golden Koi Recipee which is a sushi recipee and I heard it was really really hard. But if I do it, I can make Chef Skinner (I call him "Chef" usually) so happy and he gets to keep everything. The problem is, the only way to get a copy is to snea--- um.... oh! I shouldn't say that! That will give us all away! No good spy does that! So no tellies! I won't say! ^^;;

Anyways, I also had my bike stolen today. >.<>

Anyways.... anyways.... Chef and I were chasing after the bike theif. We caught up to him, but he took my bike pouch and dropped it in the Seine River. Mon dieux! It was really super ubber bad! So I jumped in after it! Lucky, I got it and everything else back. But I was soaking wet and I caught a cold. @_@

So I'm here with big tissue mountain beside me and typing in this blog-thing on my break. =_= Mon dieux.... I can't smell anything and I'm so sleepy. I don't know if I can get the Golden Koi from the Pettit Pal---- EIIII! O_O I've said too much! The Soup Pirates and the Pasta Ninjas will hunt me down! Mon Dieux! And the Eiffle Tower will transform in to a giant fighting robot to hurt me too! EIIIII! O_O;;

This is not the way to end a bloggy-thingy! I need to end it with something nice! Hmm.... oh! Just the other day when I was walking through the market place, I saw the cutest thing! It was a tiny, fuzzy, little rat with a touque blanc on! ^^ Aww! I wanted to pick it up and hug it! But I had to look for something and couldn't afford to stay. But he was so cute, I just had to bring it up! I should have taken a picture on my cell phone. Eiii! ^.^

Anyways, see you all later! XD

- Renee

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